A place to exchange ideas on how to teach children to serve in small simple acts. All it takes is a penny of time.
Friday, January 4, 2013
4 Months of Serving Each Day . . . A Retrospect
Every day for the past four months, we've been doing an act of service. Just recently, like this weekend, we slipped. We were dogged sick and I couldn't even muster the initiative to talk about service with my kids . . . but as we started to get better, we are serving daily, again, and we are continuing to make plans to make 2013 an even better experience of serving with our kids.
In four months, we have completed many, many, many acts of service. I have written over 100 posts. I have met (virtually and in person) many like minded individuals such as researchers, musicians, bloggers, and not-for-profits that dedicate their time and talents to helping others, completing acts of kindness, and serving others. Some of those exemplary people you have already met here on the blog through guest posts. Others you will meet very soon! More people are making their way over to the pinterest boards for "pennies of time." And, I love getting all the ideas from you guys!
Why do I continue to talk about "serving" . . . and I think that I finally came up with it: I want my boys to become comfortable with the work that can be required when working to help another person. Whether it is holding the door open for someone or raking a lawn of leaves, I want my boys to be equally willing to do it no matter the level or sacrifice or work involved.
The past four months have been A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Seriously.
My four year old LOVES gum. He also has a hard time articulating his thoughts and needs. Often, I don't know how much of what we are doing is informing his actions. On Christmas morning, when he discovered gum in his stocking, he rushed to open a package, grab a piece . . . and offer that piece to his brother. That simple act was huge for me in recognizing the real impact that serving every day is having on him.
When I first started this, I was rounding the bend of being at home, full-time, with my boys for four years. (I had worked for 10 years before even having children.) I was starting to become lost amid the myriad of chores and requirements of being a mom of young children. As I started "Pennies of Time," it was if a magical wand had been waved, that feeling of loss disappeared. I was immersing myself in daily service acts in a deep way, deeper than I had ever before challenged myself to do. The additional work involved and the financial costs of serving in this manner have been completely worth it.
Hands done, our lives are better. We are happier. My children are more giving.
On January 14th, we are going to have a SuperShare for "Pennies of Time." I was inspired to do this two months ago, kind of not knowing what I would say. I do now. My family needs to share with others the good things that have happened. We are working on posts for that week and on videos to share. They are coming!
I don't think there's anything as wonderful in life as being able to help someone else. Betty Ford
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