Friday, January 18, 2013

"Penny of Time" Adventure: Thanking Others

In an effort to be more deliberate with thanking others this week, I used the book The Secret of Saying Thanks by Douglas Wood.  Not only is this a great book to talk about the importance of saying "thanks," it also quite strongly discusses that the secret to happiness is having gratitude . . . and it does it in a way that would be a great tie-in to talking about how to better serve nature and the animals in our community.
After we discussed the book and why it is important to recognize what we have, even the small things, we took some time to write thank you notes.  We had quite a great time trying to be specific in what we wrote down and in what pictures we wanted to draw on the notes.  In fact, we had so much fun, we lost track of time!

A great card to make when showing gratitude during Thanksgiving:
For other books on service and kindness:


  1. What a wonderful way to open a discussion on gratitude! I am sharing this post on Facebook, Pinterest and Google +.

    1. Thank you! I have really enjoyed getting to know your site! Great resources!
