Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"Penny of Time" Adventure: Handprints for Sandy Hook

Today, our "penny of time" adventure came from a suggestion from a member of our facebook "Pennies of Time" group.  Thanks!

Teachers from Connecticut are reaching out to other teachers and schools.

Please pass this on to your children's teachers so that they can show their love and support for these families. All teachers know that the first thing a child must have in order to learn is a sense of safety and security. On December 14th the students, teachers, staff and families of Sandy Hook school had their sense of security shattered. In the next few days and weeks Sandy Hook students and staff will be settling in to a school building in Monroe, CT.

We're asking you to help restore their sense of security by asking your students to lend a hand. Here's how...

1. Gather up some regular old computer paper or card stock in either white or light green and some finger paint.
2. Let each of your students put their hand print on a sheet and decorate it however they wish.
3. Ask each student to add their name, city or town and school.
4. Collect all the handprint pages and send them to the address below.
5. Once the helping hands are collected our team of volunteers will string them together and hang them in the halls of the new school facility pending district approval.
6. A poster explaining our mission will be hung unobtrusively at the entrance to the school also pending district approval.

The message will be simple: You are not alone. Your are loved. You are safe.
Helping Hands
c/o L. Mazzariello
69 Osborne Hill Rd.
Sandy Hook, CT

It was a perfect "penny of time" for a rainy day.  We are still not quite all "full energy" from being sick and this was an especially good one for feeling that way.

Love the open mouth expression.  He wanted to get that print "just right."

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this! Thanks for the idea! I've got four kids in my house every morning and an hour before the bus comes. I know what we're doing tomorrow!!
