Thursday, January 9, 2014

Taking a Leap with Pennies of Time

The poem on the image above is an adaptation of the poem, "Come to the Edge" by Christopher Logue.  I heard a similar adaptation as a teenager and have further adapted the poem to reflect the brilliance that can result as a result of #riskrejection.  

Many times I hear that people are afraid of helping others because of the risk in putting themselves out there . . . fearing that their service or kindness will be rejected.  

 The risk is real, 
but ever so sweet are the experiences of helping another. 

Recently, Amy Sullivan challenged the world with #riskrejection and set forth a call to embrace rejection, risk being rejected.  As I sat back and read that challenge, knowing full well that the fear of rejection = my personal kryptonite, I realized it was time.  The time is now.

This life is about putting my own inadequacies and fears aside so that I can help others.  Isn’t that what I have been teaching my children?  Kind of ironic, right, that in the process of sharing our journey of serving with our children that I became the limit-er on the influence of this conversation?

It was a year ago that I realized that Pennies of Time had the capacity to do more than I initially thought it would.  I toyed with the idea of changing the site to increase the capacity.  I prayed about it, found a complete lack of funds to do that, and let that "pushy feeling" be.   

Frankly, that act of ignoring inspiration was also part of a selfish, very fearful act, in avoiding rejection.  I really didn't want more attention on me, witnesses to my ever exposed mistakes.

It was seven months ago that my hunch became real life.  Pennies of Time had outgrown its home.  I prayed about it-again, found a complete lack of funds to do what is needed, and let that "pushy feeling" be.  Timing just wasn't quite right.  Sigh of relief . . . if I don't try to expand Pennies of Time, I can't be disappointed by the failure of that act. 

This October, I couldn't ignore what was happening with Pennies of Time any longer.  The amount of time I spend answering emails, coordinating service work, posting on Pennies of Time, networking with like-minded people . . . all of that was WAY more than I ever, ever thought would happen.  I prayed about what do to, I asked a couple of smart people, I prayed some more, received an answer, and then I.GOT.SCARED!

Me, with my fears, with my real-life financial and time limitations   . . . yes, if I don't face my fears, face #riskrejection, then I will officially be my own worst enemy in actualizing what I have been prompted over and over to do.

And, as I sit here writing this, I feel like throwing up and I am shaking like a leaf and I may just cry . . . with the power of making my thoughts public.  This whole process might not work . . . or it may not become what I see in my mind, but I am mustering the courage to allow Pennies of Time to really become what it needs to be.  It gets really, real with that my friends.
A huge part of me really likes ignoring the prompting . . .  living in the land of blissful avoidance of rejection is ever so nice.  At the same time, what if I faced the #riskrejection and found a better way to help families, our communities?

Pennies of Time is going big time!

Do to this, Pennies of Time needs to transition, develop a formalized structure, and expand.  Since taking on #riskrejection a week ago, I have started applying for fellowships, approaching experts, figuring out how to find funding (begging for funding), and just all out feeling like I am walking around with my greatest fear exposed.  I have a whole host of things that I need to learn and do. 

What if I can't find the money?
What if I can't find the time?
What if people tell me NO.  Laugh at me?

But, what if someone says, yes.  What if I find a way for Pennies of Time to be a greater resource for others?

I won't know until I #riskrejection and do it.

{Editorial Note from Me, Sheila:  I wish you could see how nervous I am.  Seriously.  
I may just throw up when this post goes live, my heart is beating fast and furiously.}

Open to your feedback and ideas!  

feel free to comment below or email me at
penniesoftime @ 

Want to #riskrejection with a group of others?  
Tweet it out with #riskrejection.  Share what risk you are taking!


  1. You can do this! You are brave and brilliant and strong. And well, you're a risk-taker. Just. Jump. Here from #RiskRejection to tell you I'm in your corner!

  2. I so relate to those feelings! Avoidance is one of my best skills. And fear of failure. I love this site, and I think God has great things in store. Of course, we never know exactly how he plans to go about that, which is the scary part!

  3. I LOVE this!!! What a great nudging to further your wealth of knowledge and resources. May your risk be blessed 10 times over. So proud of you and this challenge. You go girl! God's got you.

  4. So so proud of you! Amy's post really challenged me too. I am excited to see how God is going to equip Pennies of Time to become the fantastic resource it is for a broader group of people. Go Sheila! Thank you for taking the risk. You challenge me in the process.

  5. GO SHEILA! You can do this - whatever it is. It will be something amazing - because you are doing it with your whole heart. I get the scary part... but I totally 100% believe in you. Sometimes we just don't know the destination before we start the journey! xxxx

  6. Oh my gosh. I want to grab you and brainstorm for hours about this. Drive to NC immediately. I will start the coffee.

    The thing that people who just click over may not know is how Pennies of Time got started. Truly, I was sucked in the story behind the blog, and have hooked on all of your do gooding ever since.

  7. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And now you are :-) Stick with it!

  8. You know that I am all in as a cheerleader, a shoulder to virtually cry on, a person to hold your hands at time, an idea-bouncer and so much more. I've faced so many risky situations and decisions over the past 5 years as I've transitioned in my life to be able to focus more and more on making my life a life dedicated to positive change in the world. It has NEVER been easy, but it has ALWAYS worked out. Oh - and I have always learned more from having people tell me no, then I ever learn from people saying yes. So, know that failure is part of the journey and an important part and that the bumps/obstacles along the way will only make you that much stronger and your work that much more powerful and meaningful.

  9. You SO HAVE THIS Sheila! Not a doubt in my mind. Just remember to breathe in deep and enjoy the process.

  10. Sheila, so great to see you taking the next step. It will fall into place and just putting it out there allows us all to think of what we can do to help your idea go even bigger!

    Please let us know what kind of funding you need. People might just have skills and be wanting to help or trade off for publicity or something else.

    We are here to help your vision grow! Glad you shared!

  11. Go for it Sheila! Whatever this beast is becoming, it's gong to be a beautiful one! Thanks for the constant reminder to do more meaningful things with my family and to think of others more than just my little world!

  12. Pennies of Times has touched my families life and I know will touch so many others! You are doing great things because you're following the spirit of the Lord. I love and support you, my friend. I know you're not doing this for the praise but you're doing a great job. Setting an amazing example to your boys, my kids and our community.

  13. Hi Sheila.

    Hmm, first off, I wanted to see if you were aware of the Foundation Center. ( They might be able to help put you in touch with potential funders. I'm so impressed with the work you're doing here.

    Second, I love the idea about this challenge. I'm going to have to think a little about it and define what it is I'd like to work on for #RiskRejection.

  14. Just discovered your blog at Amy's. Bless you! The ministry you already have -- and the example your family sets -- is beautiful. I can't wait to see where God is leading you next. Praying for you...

  15. I'm cheering for you! You have the ability to do so much good for so many people! Way to take a risk and go for it!

  16. You can do it! You can do it! :) Thank you for being so brave and taking a risk to serve others...

  17. First of all, Sheila, you already know that I LOVE what you are doing here. Secondly, I am SO excited for you. God has got this and if He has called you to it, He will do it.

    Can't wait to see the fruit! Keep on, sister!

    PS: Still wanna guest blog for 7 Days Time? Lemme know :-) Would love to help you grow Pennies of Time!
