Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"Penny of Time" Adventure: With "Little Blue Truck" and Giving a Book Away

For Valentine's Day, we planned several book giving adventures.

Our first one was to give a book away to a new friend.  A little boy new to the neighborhood.  We settled on giving away a copy of  Little Blue Truck by Alice Schertie and Jill McElmurry.

There are so many good things that you can talk about with this book:  taking time to be a friend, how to talk to people to show them you care and are listening, how to help others, how to help someone that isn't nice to you . . . and the list goes on.

I didn't know if my boys would like the book.  Much of the book is spent on animal noises and the truck saying Beep, Beep.  They loved it.  And, that is why we had to buy another copy of it in order to give the book away to a new friend.

"Mom, can we read that truck book, again?"

And, the little boy that my boys gave the book to?  He loved it as well!

Little Blue Truck Readings on YouTube

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