Monday, April 8, 2013

"Penny of Time" Adventure: 2 Acts of Kindness at the Library

We had such a great time thanking librarians during my husband's 42 Acts of Kindness on his 42nd Birthday that we decide to do it again at another library.
Act of Kindness #1
We started by handing out cool star candles and gum to the librarians, really trying to say THANK YOU nicely and making eye contact.  (a running by "thank you" is a common occurrence and I am trying to teach them to .stop. and say thank you while making eye contact.)  It is always so fun to see someone unexpectedly get something nice.  Her face just lights up so bright with a big smile.
Act of Kindness #2
The next thing we did was gather up some post-cards of places where we have been and inserted them (after writing a nicely written note on them) into books that relate to the places on the post-cards.  I LOVE books and would have been thrilled to find something like this when I was younger. 
(To be honest, I get excited, today, when I find something in a book that belong to a previous reader.  My favorite things to find are grocery lists and to-do lists.  I know it is weird but I feel more connected to a the world when I find these mundane artifacts of someone's life.)

These 2 acts of kindness took less than 15 minutes and then we were able to check out some books.  Seriously so easy for us to do!  And, as we need to do each time, it was fun to talk afterwards about how happy those simple thank yous made the librarians!


  1. I would be thrilled to find one of your postcards in a book.

    1. Right on! BTW, love what you are doing with you son over at !
