Monday, December 2, 2013

Magic Moments Monday in December

From Big Brother to Little Brother:

"Merritt I kno you have not
lost a tooth but here is a gift!"
(hidden underneath the note is 25 cents)

Little Brother has been feeling left out lately from Big Brother's exciting world of 1st grade, new friends, the tooth fairy, and learning to tie shoes. Big Bro had perfect timing with this act of kindness.

It is a new month and another chance to share more Magic Moments with one another!

From last month's Magic Moments in November, I want to feature:
You are going to love it!  The treasure hunt can be done anytime of the year, really.  And, she makes kindness so beautiful.  (yes, we totally used her treasure hunt this year!)  While you are over there, take a look at her Christmas Kindness Traditions!
This month is the last month for Magic Moments Monday!  The past 6 months have been a tremendously meaningful experience, not just in reading what is shared but in getting to know those writers who have shared.  Thank you for sharing here!

This month, I would love for you to especially share posts you have written (new or old) about serving others, acts of kindness, teaching children to be kind and loving, and kindness in the family!  I have almost 60 boards on Pinterest focused on kindness and service and will be pinning your posts there as well as in Magic Moments Monday.

"Magic Moments Monday celebrates the magic in family - moments you have shared with your children, living and learning, ones that you want to cherish forever."

Will you please share your Magic Moments?  Let's share the inspiration!  Anyone and everyone is welcome!

Don't have a blog post--simply put your magic moment in the comments!

On Twitter?  Share your magic moment on Facebook or in a tweet and include: 
We'll be able to retweet and share in an effort to celebrate those magic moments.


  1. Love, love, LOVE what you are doing here. My little one is only 9 months old, but hubs and I have already decided to raise her a bit differently-- not so much more, more, more, but focusing on giving and the love of Christ... Potentially through small acts of service!

    Super excited to connect with you via Twitter and now at your blog. I have a sneaky feeling this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. (Oh wait. Too cheesy? My bad.)

    Blessings to you, sister!

    1. Sharita, So glad to see you here! Not too cheesy at all, very excited to be connected with likeminded people that help us deepen our own journey! We have really enjoyed placing importance on people and relationships as a family and find that the boys remember those experiences more than pure entertainment (which still is fun and can have a place as well in our activities!). Eager to continue our connection!

  2. Thank so much for featuring and linking, Sheila! I'm glad you guys enjoyed it and really glad to have connected with you :) Hope you have an awesome week!
