Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"Penny of Time" Adventure #1: Sweet Success at the Vending Machine

Today, on the way to pick up my husband from work, I grabbed: ziplock bags, a sharpee, and our coin jar.

While waiting for him to climb into the car, I prepped the bags to say:  Take What You Need! 

Within a few more seconds, I had filled the bags with "silver money" from the jar.

We were now ready to go on our "Penny of Time" Adventure!

The boys worked very hard to be secretive as we arrived at a local emergency room and looked for the vending machines.  (They even hid the bags under their shirts and crossed the waiting and reception rooms like highly trained ninjas!)

When we found the sought after vending machine, we discovered a lady trying to get change for a $5 bill.  Luckily, we were prepared to help.  The boys simply gave her the money she needed, and she was SURPRISED!  We chatted a bit as to why she was there.  Her grandmother was in the emergency room because she had fallen. 

As soon as she left the area, we quickly taped our bags on the vending machines.  (I'm sure that it can be made prettier, but it worked for us.)  And, it was none too soon because a couple of young ladies came by to use the machines.  We went around the corner and listened to them giggle and exclaim over our bags of coins.

The boys were thrilled with the adventure!  They felt important for helping someone else.  And, they want to do it again!  (And, they look a wee bit stressed here because they wanted to ninja it away from the vending machines before someone saw them.)

What are some of your experiences of serving someone in a hospital?  What service can children provide for someone in the hospital?  We are looking for our next "Penny of Time" Adventure!


  1. My girls love doing any type of secret drop off or stealth activity. I have a feeling this will me one we try this weekend. Keep the ideas coming and we will pass our along too. : )

  2. Were you at Scottsdale Osborn? I'm Jill's sister in law...used to work at that hospital :)

    1. JessandBen--No, at a hospital in the Dallas area. But, my kids love doing it so much, they'd love a traveling "Penny of Time" adventure where all we did was place money at vending machines! Sheila
