9 months ago, friends abruptly lost their sweet little girl, Penny.
The loss of Penny changed our lives.
We looked at what we were doing with our own children and decided that we wanted our good decisions with our children to be GREAT decisions.
As Penny's parents experienced, we don't know what changes will happen in our family or to our family. We all assume that we will have the chance to have time with our kids we want. We realized that we needed to take time NOW with our children. We decided to go from good to great by serving alongside our children, teaching our children to serve. We have never regretted that decision, and that focus has brought so much strength, peace, love, and maturity to our young family.
We have been completing daily acts of service, "Pennies of Time" Adventures, for 9 months.
We live "in the moment" with our children. We live to have no regrets. We cherish our family time and our children now. We aren't perfect. (I don't dust regularly and probably eat too much sugar . . . and I hate putting up laundry.) At the same time, we are really trying to own our parenting, enjoy the highs and lows of our children before they leave our home.
Because of this, I am BEYOND excited to share with you a new chance for all of us to share those moments that we cherish, those magic moments we experience with our children. On Monday, we will all have a chance to share our stories.
I am eager to hear stories from others that care deeply for children. I am expecting to read your posts when I am feeling low and leave your stories, your "magic moment," re-energized and inspired to go spend more time with my kids in a way that I am WITH them, listening to them, laughing alongside them, and shutting out the world to be there for them.
Please join us and share your "Magic Moments."
Beginning the first Monday in June (June 3rd) Pennies of Time, along with Lalymom, Play Learn Love, Kz and Me, House of Burke, and Simple Home Blessings will be launching a brand new blog hop - Magic Moments Monday!
"Magic moments" with children are those moments that are touching, funny, insightful, and ones you want to remember forever! Share your "magic moments" with us to help inspire others to connect with children in meaningful and lasting ways. "Magic moments" happen through a play, a planned activity, a craft, reading a book together, or a conversation in the car on the way home from school. We invite you to open your eyes to the many Magic Moments throughout your week and return next Monday to share them here with us!
That is so sad about Penny! You just never know what can happen, so we should cherish every day we have with our children!